Monday, October 05, 2009

Just a simple Red Black Tree in C

This is our current RB implementation. It's C but it likes more C++.
Enjoy :)
 --- file treemap.h ---  
 #ifndef TREE_MAP  
 #define TREE_MAP  
 #include <ctype.h>  
 #include <stdlib.h>  
 #include <pthread.h>  
 typedef struct t_node  
  { RED = 0, BLACK } colour;  
  void *key;  
  void *value;  
  struct t_node *left;  
  struct t_node *right;  
  struct t_node *parent;  
 } Node;  
 typedef struct  
  Node *rootNode;  
  Node *nil;  
  pthread_mutex_t big_lock;  
  int (*cmp) (void *item1, void *item2);  
  Node *(*clone) (void *key, void *item);  
  void (*delete) (Node ** item);  
 } TreeMap;  
 #define RED_COLOR 0  
 #define BLACK_COLOR 1  
 #define IS_EMPTY_ROOT(root)((root)->rootNode == NULL)  
 #define color(r)  ((r)->colour &amp; 1)  
 #define is_red(r)  (!color(r))  
 #define is_black(r) color(r)  
 #define set_black(r) r->colour = 1;  
 #define set_red(r) r->colour = 0;  
 TreeMap *new_tree_map (Node * (*clone) (void *key, void *data),  
        int (*cmp) (void *k1, void *k2),  
        void (*delete) (Node ** item));  
 Node *searchKey (TreeMap * t, void *key);  
 void insertKey (TreeMap * t, void *key, void *value);  
 Node *updateKey (TreeMap * t, void *key, void *value);  
 Node *eraseKey (TreeMap * t, void *key);  
 void destroyKey (TreeMap * t, void *key);  
 int eraseNode (TreeMap * t, Node * n);  
 void destroy_tree_map (TreeMap * t);  
 void replaceKey (TreeMap * t, void *key, void *newKey);  
 ----- file treemap.c -----  
 #include <treemap.h>  
 #include <stdlib.h>  
 #include <ctype.h>  
 #include <string.h>  
 #include <stdio.h>  
 #include <assert.h>  
 TreeMap *  
 new_tree_map (Node * (*clone) (void *key, void *data),  
      int (*cmp) (void *key1, void *key2),  
      void (*delete) (Node ** item))  
  TreeMap *t = calloc (1, sizeof (TreeMap));  
  t->nil = calloc (1, sizeof (Node));  
  t->nil->left = t->nil->right = t->nil->parent = t->nil;  
  t->nil->colour = BLACK;  
  t->nil->key = NULL;  
  t->nil->value = NULL;  
  t->rootNode = calloc (1, sizeof (Node));  /*allocate sentinel */  
  t->rootNode->left = t->rootNode->right = t->rootNode->parent = t->nil;  
  t->rootNode->key = NULL;  
  t->rootNode->value = NULL;  
  t->rootNode->colour = BLACK;  /*sentinel is black */  
  t->clone = clone;  
  t->cmp = cmp;  
  t->delete = delete;  
  pthread_mutex_init (&amp;t->big_lock, NULL);  
  return t;  
 static void  
 insertNode (TreeMap * t, Node * n)  
  Node *x, *y;  
  n->left = n->right = t->nil;  
  y = t->rootNode;  
  x = t->rootNode->left;  
  while (x != t->nil)  
    y = x;  
    if ((t->cmp (x->key, n->key) == 1))  
   x = x->left;  
   x = x->right;  
  n->parent = y;  
  if ((y == t->rootNode) || (t->cmp (y->key, n->key) == 1))  
    y->left = n;  
    y->right = n;  
 static void  
 freeTree (TreeMap * t, Node * current)  
  if ((current != t->nil))  
    freeTree (t, current->left);  
    freeTree (t, current->right);  
    t->delete (&amp;current);  
    free (current);  
 static Node *  
 search (TreeMap * t, Node * current, void *keyval)  
  if (current != t->nil)  
    if (t->cmp (current->key, keyval) > 0)  
   return search (t, current->left, keyval);  
    else if (t->cmp (current->key, keyval) <>right, keyval);  
    else if ((t->cmp (current->key, keyval) == 0))  
   return current;  
  return current;  
 static void  
 LeftRotate (TreeMap * t, Node * x)  
  Node *y;  
  y = x->right;  
  x->right = y->left;  
  if (y->left != t->nil)  
   y->left->parent = x;  
  y->parent = x->parent;  
  if (x == x->parent->left)  
    x->parent->left = y;  
    x->parent->right = y;  
  y->left = x;  
  x->parent = y;  
 static void  
 RightRotate (TreeMap * t, Node * y)  
  Node *x;  
  x = y->left;  
  y->left = x->right;  
  if (x->right != t->nil)  
   x->right->parent = y;  
  x->parent = y->parent;  
  if (y == y->parent->left)  
    y->parent->left = x;  
    y->parent->right = x;  
  x->right = y;  
  y->parent = x;  
 static void  
 balanceAfterDeletion (TreeMap * tree, Node * x)  
  Node *root = tree->rootNode->left;  
  Node *w;  
  while ((x->colour == BLACK) &amp;&amp; (root != x))  
    if (x == x->parent->left)  
    w = x->parent->right;  
    if (w->colour == RED)  
      w->colour = BLACK;  
      x->parent->colour = RED;  
      LeftRotate (tree, x->parent);  
      w = x->parent->right;  
    if ((w->right->colour == BLACK) &amp;&amp; (w->left->colour == BLACK))  
      w->colour = RED;  
      x = x->parent;  
      if (w->right->colour == BLACK)  
      w->left->colour = BLACK;  
      w->colour = RED;  
      RightRotate (tree, w);  
      w = x->parent->right;  
      w->colour = x->parent->colour;  
      x->parent->colour = BLACK;  
      w->right->colour = BLACK;  
      LeftRotate (tree, x->parent);  
      x = root;    /* this is to exit while loop */  
    w = x->parent->left;  
    if (w->colour == RED)  
      w->colour = BLACK;  
      x->parent->colour = RED;  
      RightRotate (tree, x->parent);  
      w = x->parent->left;  
    if ((w->right->colour == BLACK) &amp;&amp; (w->left->colour == BLACK))  
      w->colour = RED;  
      x = x->parent;  
      if (w->left->colour == BLACK)  
      w->right->colour = BLACK;  
      w->colour = RED;  
      LeftRotate (tree, w);  
      w = x->parent->left;  
      w->colour = x->parent->colour;  
      x->parent->colour = BLACK;  
      w->left->colour = BLACK;  
      RightRotate (tree, x->parent);  
      x = root;    /* this is to exit while loop */  
  x->colour = BLACK;  
 static void  
 balance (Node * n, TreeMap * t)  
  Node *y;  
  Node *x = n;  
  while (x->parent->colour == RED)  
   {        /* use sentinel colour as exit loop */  
    if (x->parent == x->parent->parent->left)  
    y = x->parent->parent->right;  /* y 'uncle' of x */  
    if (y->colour == RED)  
      x->parent->colour = BLACK;  
      y->colour = BLACK;  
      x->parent->parent->colour = RED;  
      x = x->parent->parent;  
      if (x == x->parent->right)  
      x = x->parent;  
      LeftRotate (t, x);  
      x->parent->colour = BLACK;  
      x->parent->parent->colour = RED;  
      RightRotate (t, x->parent->parent);  
   {      /* case for x->parent == x->parent->parent->right */  
    y = x->parent->parent->left;  
    if (y->colour == RED)  
      x->parent->colour = BLACK;  
      y->colour = BLACK;  
      x->parent->parent->colour = RED;  
      x = x->parent->parent;  
      if (x == x->parent->left)  
      x = x->parent;  
      RightRotate (t, x);  
      x->parent->colour = BLACK;  
      x->parent->parent->colour = RED;  
      LeftRotate (t, x->parent->parent);  
  t->rootNode->left->colour = BLACK;  
 static Node *  
 TreeSuccessor (TreeMap * t, Node * x)  
  Node *y;  
  Node *root = t->rootNode;  
  if ((y = x->right) != t->nil)  
    while (y->left != t->nil)  
    y = y->left;  
    return (y);  
    y = x->parent;  
    while (x == y->right)  
    x = y;  
    y = y->parent;  
    if (y == root)  
   return (t->nil);  
    return (y);  
 static void  
 removeNode (TreeMap * t, Node * p)  
  Node *y;  
  Node *x;  
  Node *root = t->rootNode;  
  y = ((p->left == t->nil)  
    || (p->right == t->nil)) ? p : TreeSuccessor (t, p);  
  x = ((y->left == t->nil)) ? y->right : y->left;  
  x->parent = y->parent;  
  if (root == x->parent)  
    root->left = x;  
    if (y == y->parent->left)  
    y->parent->left = x;  
    y->parent->right = x;  
  if (y != p)  
    if (!(y->colour == RED))  
   balanceAfterDeletion (t, x);  
    t->delete (&amp;p);  
    y->left = p->left;  
    y->right = p->right;  
    y->parent = p->parent;  
    y->colour = p->colour;  
    p->left->parent = p->right->parent = y;  
    if (p == p->parent->left)  
    p->parent->left = y;  
    p->parent->right = y;  
    free (p);  
    t->delete (&amp;p);  
    if (!(p->colour == RED))  
   balanceAfterDeletion (t, x);  
    free (p);  
 /* public stuff...*/  
 Node *  
 searchKey (TreeMap * t, void *key)  
  Node *current;  
  Node *found;  
  assert (t != NULL);  
  current = t->rootNode->left;  
  pthread_mutex_lock (&amp;t->big_lock);  
  if (t->rootNode->left == t->nil)  
    pthread_mutex_unlock (&amp;t->big_lock);  
    return t->nil;  
  found = search (t, current, key);  
  pthread_mutex_unlock (&amp;t->big_lock);  
  if (found == t->nil)  
   return t->nil;  
   return found;  
 destroyKey (TreeMap * t, void *key)  
  Node *k = searchKey (t, key);  
  pthread_mutex_lock (&amp;t->big_lock);  
  removeNode (t, k);  
  pthread_mutex_unlock (&amp;t->big_lock);  
 insertKey (TreeMap * t, void *key, void *value)  
  Node *n;  
  pthread_mutex_lock (&amp;t->big_lock);  
  n = t->clone (key, value);  
  n->colour = RED;  
  insertNode (t, n);  
  balance (n, t);  
  pthread_mutex_unlock (&amp;t->big_lock);  
 replaceKey (TreeMap * t, void *key, void *newKey)  
  Node *current;  
  Node *cloned;  
  current = searchKey (t, key);  
  if (current == t->nil)  
    printf ("node not found for replacekey\n");  
  pthread_mutex_lock (&amp;t->big_lock);  
  cloned = t->clone (newKey, current->value);  
  cloned->colour = RED;  
  removeNode (t, current);  
  insertNode (t, cloned);  
  balance (cloned, t);  
  pthread_mutex_unlock (&amp;t->big_lock);  
 Node *  
 updateKey (TreeMap * t, void *key, void *value)  
  Node *current;  
  Node *n;  
  current = searchKey (t, key);  
  if (current == t->nil)  
   return t->nil;  
  pthread_mutex_lock (&amp;t->big_lock);  
  n = t->clone (key, value);  
  n->colour = current->colour;  
  n->left = current->left;  
  n->right = current->right;  
  if (n->left != t->nil)  
   n->left->parent = n;  
  if (n->right != t->nil)  
   n->right->parent = n;  
  n->parent = current->parent;  
  if (current->parent->left == current)  
   current->parent->left = n;  
   current->parent->right = n;  
  t->delete (&amp;current);  
  free (current);  
  pthread_mutex_unlock (&amp;t->big_lock);  
  return n;  
 Node *  
 eraseKey (TreeMap * t, void *key)  
  Node *ret;  
  Node *k = searchKey (t, key);  
  if (k == t->nil)  
   return t->nil;  
  pthread_mutex_lock (&amp;t->big_lock);  
  ret = t->clone (k->key, k->value);  
  removeNode (t, k);  
  pthread_mutex_unlock (&amp;t->big_lock);  
  return ret;  
 eraseNode (TreeMap * t, Node * n)  
  if (n == t->nil)  
   return 0;  
  t->delete (&amp;n);  
  return 1;  
 destroy_tree_map (TreeMap * t)  
  if (t == NULL)  
  pthread_mutex_destroy (&amp;t->big_lock);  
  freeTree (t, t->rootNode->left);  
  free (t->rootNode);  
  free (t->nil);  
  free (t);  